Hello Friends and Family! It has been a while since my last blog because we had done a couple newsletters in a row. But I had this idea for my blog for sometime now, so I hope you get a laugh. For the last month or so, I have really needed some laughs. I watched the clips from the links below over and over and laughed each time. I hope you do too!
Some of you may not know how close of a relationship Don and Ryan have always had. They were friends before Don and I started dating and worked together up until the point Ryan moved to Peru. Don was Ryan's "right-hand man" while working in construction. He was Ryan's spokesperson on the job and would talk to all the State inspectors or whoever else needed to be talked to. They have always had that kind of relationship, and I think that is why Don translating for Ryan works so well. They are very in-tune with one another. It is fun to watch them together on Thursday nights and Sunday mornings. We wish you would all be able to visit us in Peru, but until that point I want to give you a glimpse of what it's like. Click on the link below to see....
You probably figured out who Don was and who Ryan was! The best part is that if you watched closely you could see Russell Brand's character at one point repeating silently what Adam Sandler is saying. Don does the same thing!
Here in Peru, there is a big problem with counterfeiting. They have problems with dollars being counterfeit and their own soles being counterfeit. We have gotten some bad 5 sole coins before as change. It is so embarrassing when we go to try to use them!!! We have had some of our Peruvian friends show us how to tell if a coin is counterfeit, but I still can't tell. Now click on the link below.....
Don't worry, I haven't been arrested yet....and I hope I never am :) But trying to communicate is still pretty hard for me. I have a much greater respect for my husband who can speak 2 languages. I am also so thankful Don is here to help me communicate. My kids even help me in the communication department! Thankfully I am understanding much of what is said to me, but I have a hard time answering back in sentences. I can manage one word answers! The other day in our local bodega (a bodega is like a small mom and pop convenience store) I asked for a package of candy. The lady who I have known for 2 years now, looks at me and asks me if I can speak Spanish. I told her that I can speak a little (I answered her in Spanish)! Then she looks at Hannah and asks her if I can speak Spanish yet. Hannah tells her that I can speak some. The lady looks right at Hannah, right in front of me, and tells her, "I can't understand a word your mother says in Spanish. I understand you, (meaning Hannah) but I can't understand your mom." Now remember, I am understanding all of this!!!!!! I didn't know whether I should laugh or cry.
The last two months have probably been the hardest for me since we moved to Peru. I am not sure why these last two months have been so difficult. But what I do know is that the Lord will use this time to teach me, to mold me, to refine me, and to grow me. I must just remember to have JOY in the midst of my circumstances.
I hope you got a laugh at the clips above! Laughter feels good! Looking forward to seeing all of you in June and July! -Stacey